During the coronavirus, more people than ever have realized the benefits of a good immune system. After all, with a pandemic flying around, your immune systems really is both the first and last line of defense with your health. And, believe it or not, there are some very easy ways to start boosting your immune system today!
Take Time For Self-Care

Taking care of your immune systems begins with taking care of yourself! Most importantly, this means a good night’s sleep, every night. Bad sleep has been directly linked to worse immune systems! For a normal human adult, doctors recommend between seven and nine hours, as long as its minimally interrupted. Meanwhile, also make sure to keep the TV, computer, and phone off and out of sight for at least 30 minutes before bedtime. The blue light can ruin your sleep cycles. Instead do something calming, like yoga or reading a relaxing paperback by candlelight.
“Something as simple as a five-minute yoga tactic,’” said Dr. Oz. “Go sit on the toilet seat, put it down — you’re not going to the bathroom — sit there, quiet yourself, and just realize that it’s OK. No one will bother you there.”
Also, continue your hobbies indoors and don’t stop communicating with friends and family even while self-isolating. If everything feels overwhelming – contact a therapist for an online session!
Stabilize Your Diet

Of course, an immune system also runs on what a person puts into their body. If one eats low vitamin foods and too much sugar, the immune system will not have the fuel it needs to do its job. So, quickly boost your immune system by injecting a more little green into your diet!
“Fruits and vegetables make a huge difference, they enhance your immune response,” added Oz. And now, there are more ways than ever to bring veggies and fruits into your diet. From a side of grilled veggies with dinner instead of bread to hiding them in a delicious smoothie. One smoothie combo that will really boost your immune system is spinach, matcha powder, almond milk, and some bananas. “The nice thing about this [smoothie] is that it’s got all the antioxidants you’d ever want to have, and I think you’ll like the taste,” Dr. Oz said about the smoothie.
Add Supplements

While fruits and vegetables can be a fantastic way to add more vitamins and essential nutrients to your body, supplements can help fill in the gaps. “Supplements have never been shown to beat coronavirus. However, there are some tactics that will slow down the progression of viruses in general. So, ideas that work well generally are vitamin D, which you get from the sun, but this time of year, you’ve got to take it as a supplement,” Oz said. Vitamin C, zinc, and elderberry supplements are also highly recommended!
Meanwhile, many doctors have also noted that panicking about the world will only boost your stress, not your immune system. “Live your life,” Dr. Oz said. “Do not live your life with fear. Live it with joy and kindness.”