If you live in a domestic relationship, you already know how hard life can become. After all, many don’t understand your way of life or decisions. However, that should not stop you from receiving the help and care you need. So read on to discover how to get domestic partner insurance for you or your loved one…
What Is A Domestic Partnership?

Before you can obtain domestic partner insurance, you need to match the definition! Being in a domestic partnership means living together in a romantic relationship as if being married to a partner but not being legally married. A domestic partner can be of the same and opposite sex. A domestic partnership is always a committed relationship, two partners can’t be legally married to someone else, and they have to be a couple. As you might imagine, when it comes to obtaining domestic partner insurance, many of these details can make it a tad tricking when aiming or approval…
Proving That You’re In A Domestic Partnership

Domestic partner insurance looks and covers everything that any standard familial insurance would. However, proving you’re in a domestic partnership can be challenging, as there’s no paperwork to go along with it. Some insurance companies will only require a legal, written, declaration from both parties, but these are few and far between. More often than not, an insurance company will require proof that the couple has been together publicly for at least six months before the application. This can include everything from pictures and love letters to proof of living expenses like bills and receipts. Of course, the more serious, the better. If you and your partner co-own a car, business, property, cosigned a mortgage, anything that like, that can go quite a long way.
One of the most recommended ways to prepare is to live together for a year before applying for domestic partner insurance. During that year, have both you and your partner switch everything to that address: your drivers license, bills, paychecks, everything. That way when it comes time to apply for insurance, your addresses will match, greatly speeding along the process.
Adding Domestic Partner Insurance

Sometimes it’s easier to add your partner to an existing insurance plan. While every health plan varies and has different options, make sure to ask the benefits plan administrator how to add the domestic partner. In the event that your plan has decent coverage, adding a partner should be a relatively easy and straightforward task. The same goes out to children. When the insurance company and the health care provider let the plan cover both partners, then it means they see them as a family. Children are usually covered by the family plan as well.
Of course, if you have any questions about domestic partner insurance, the person you should contact is your health insurance administrator or account consultant. Just give them a call, it’s usually easier than you think!
Sources: The Balance, Finance101