Do you get sleep every night and feel motivated to work? Well, do you enjoy exercising in the public gym? If you answered “no” to one or both of the questions, a new workout, called “Napercise,” might be just what you’re looking for! Read on to discover this incredible innovation that combines napping with exercising!
Napping as An Exercise?

Yes, you read right! Fitness club chain David Lloyd Clubs in the UK created a new way of getting sleep and burning calories. Whether it’s the greatest workout or not, scheduling a nap is definitely something that can help exhausted people fight those afternoon yawns. Worse still, continued lack of quality sleep can lead to severe health impacts, like headaches and body pains.
While napercizing does include stretching, it won’t burn the fat of a good run. However, as the representatives of the David Lloyd Clubs claim, this hour-long class will raise the mood and relax the mind, and is better than just sitting at your desk!
The Motivation Behind the Innovative Idea

Napercise all started with a survey: 85% of parents don’t get enough sleep and 26% get less than 5 hours of it a night! Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that around one-third of the U.S. citizens don’t get their recommended seven hours of sleep. In 2009, another study has shown that 7.2% of 25-to-34-year-olds, 5.7% of 35-to-44-year-olds and 3.9% of 45-to-54-year-olds fell asleep while driving. With all this, David Lloyds Clubs realized that sleep deprivation was becoming a problem, worldwide.
According to the club website, “the development of Napercise is inspired by past academic studies into the important health benefits that napping in the day can bring. This includes helping boost alertness, alleviate feelings of anxiety or stress, and improving your mood.” Indeed, the pros of napping include good memory, lower blood pressure, and excellent metabolism.
One Napercise Class, Please

So, how does a Napercise class work? Well, it’s pretty simple! Attendees enter a room filled with enough cozy beds for everyone. Then, nappers stretch for 10 minutes before a 45-minute nap. Finally, a health coach leads them through another 10 minutes of stretching before the class ends. It’s that easy!
The classes have been going for a while and those that have attended love them and can’t wait to get back. They say it’s difficult to find time to relax at home. However, if they purchase a class at a designated time, then attendees say its much easier to actually nap! Thanks to the great reviews, U.S.-based health clubs, like Hanson Fitness in New York, are starting to roll out Napercise classes.
Critics still argue that no one would pay for a nap when you can take one for free at home. Remember to visit a professional doctor if you’re having troubles sleeping or experiencing fatigue and naps don’t help anymore!
Sources: Livestly, DavidLloydClubs, Forbes.