Ami Ciccone
2509 Articles0 Comments

Why Dark Sky Tourism Is on the Rise

More and more people are looking to see the stars and moon on their vacations, so dark sky tourism is on the rise.…

No AC? No Problem! Use These Tips To Stay Cool

So, you’re stuck at home on a hot day and there’s no AC – don’t feel annoyed! There are plenty of ways to stay cool on a hot summer day… Pull Out The Fans The number one …

Photographer Transforms Moms-To-Be Into Disney Princesses

Maternity photos are already a blessing, but if mothers-to-be are presented as Disney princesses by the photographers – the snapshots become times better. This photographer is doing just that, and all…

Does Caffeine Affect Blood Sugar?

There’s no question: caffeine has a long list of both benefits and harms. However, specifically, does caffeine affect blood sugar? Let’s take a look……